Friday, January 29, 2016


Forever Fans are the most talented bunch of people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet! I stand in awe of the many varied forms of art these men and women produce to show their love for a TV show cancelled far too early in its career. Please enjoy.
BRIAN - @BrianO’Marra – In addition to his delightful Forever cartoons, Brian is one of the authors of the new and exciting graphic novel debuting on Facebook as FOREVER AND EVER. The cartoon below is one of my favorites.

Who else but Brian can put Henry on the cover of Time or imprison him forever in a prism?

Then there is what he did for me. I feel, well, immortalized myself. Thank you, Brian.

ALEXA - @crazyfan_fan  Alexa’s pen and ink drawings make her subjects come to life.

HEATHER @HMathre – Heather gave Forever Fans the best Xmas present ever – 12 (Magical) Days of Forever. In case you've forgotten (how could you), here is my personal favorite – Day One - 1 Immortal Fresh From The Drink.


RENA - @renaxan Rena gives Forever Fans a wonderful You Tube Video Tribute. If you missed it on Twitter (how could you), watch it here. It’s absolutely breathtaking. And so is the music. Makes you want to dance!


Many thanks to Brian, Alexa, Heather, and Rena for letting me showcase you here on my blog.

As always, I remain

Jayne Nichols
Forever Fan

PS.  I’m sure these four very talented Forever Fans are merely the tip of the iceberg. If I missed you this time around, and you’d like to be in my next talent roundup, please leave your name and twitter handle in the comments below.

Friday, January 22, 2016


Abraham is Dr. Henry Morgan’s adopted son.  He owns Abe’s Antiques, cooks, plays some mean jazz on the piano, skateboards, and occasionally rescues a naked Henry from New York’s East River. Abe is also the only one who know Henry’s deepest, darkest secret – the one about being immortal. Who wouldn’t love having a son like that!
We meet Abe in the first episode, and I do believe Matt Miller stretches history a wee bit when he has Abigail introduce Abe—a very healthy, well fed baby with a number tattooed on his arm—to Henry. Auschwitz was the only camp to number its inmates, and by inmates I mean those men and women who were able to walk upright through the gates marked Arbeit Macht Frei. If you had no value, you went into the gas chambers. Baby Abe would never have made it past the selection process, nor would his mother had she been pregnant at the time. If they were anything, the Nazis were efficient. But if you don’t know your WWII history as well as I do, this scenario works, and in episode 14, Abe learns that his real parents—Herman and Reba Weinraub—died in Auschwitz concentration camp. On a happy note, while searching his family tree, Abe discovers he is actually related to Henry, if a bit remotely.
This is fiction, after all.

I love Abe.  He’s played superbly by Judd Hirsch whose theatrical accomplishments are far too numerous to list here. Up until he became Abe in FOREVER,  I would have said my favorite Judd Hirsch TV show was TAXI where he won an Emmy in both 1981 and 1983 for his role as Alex Reiger.
He was born in 1935.  You do the math.  

As always, I remain
Jayne Nichols