Have you ever watched a television
show that just grabbed you? I’ve never been much of a TV watcher, but for some pesky
reason, the advertisement for FOREVER tugged at my imagination. A man who is immortal? Not only that, but
he’s a gorgeous hunk with a British accent, a sense of humor, and a two hundred
year old history that he wears very
well. So, I decided to DVR the show (I’m an early riser, and I hate commercials),
and after watching the first episode, I was hooked!
I bought and downloaded each
episode – twenty-two in all – as soon as it became available on Amazon Video. I
told myself I’d made an incredible find – a TV show that was refreshingly
different from the rest of the sitcom/reality show mania out there. Now if only
ABC would quit preempting it! Then as a final straw, they cancelled it! I was
shocked. Heartbroken. How could they not give this incredible show a second
That was when I discovered I
wasn’t alone. Thousands of other Forever fans rallied to join fan groups and sign
a petition. We were determined to save this amazing show. By the way, if you
haven’t signed the petition yet, here’s your chance: https://www.change.org/p/warner-brothers-warner-brothers-fans-love-the-tv-show-forever.
As of this writing, the petition is 109,253 strong and still growing. FOREVER
is loved world-wide. Just take a look on Twitter. Fans are united in their love
for this unique, endearing television show.
As a romance author (after all,
deep down FOREVER is a romantic suspense), I decided to write about it. This terrific,
prematurely cancelled television show will not be lost as long as we fans keep
our love for it alive. Please join me here each week (that is, if I don’t get
preempted), to discuss each episode, the amazing cast, and showcase some
terrific Forever artwork.
Until then, I remain Jayne
Nichols, Forever Fan.
I love this show, too!! I look forward to reading about it here! 🌸